Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Music to my heart!

If you cannot tell what that is... it is a sign of parenthood!!
Yes, Drew and I are expecting our first child! We are now 12 weeks pregnant, well I am :), but we are both so thrilled and excited. We tried to get in touch with everyone about the news, but here it is!! Just last Tuesday we got to hear the beautiful sound of our baby's heart beat! 180bpm!! Fast little beat, and make complete sense why I am so freaking tired these days!!
I will keep everyone posted and updated as the weeks pass. We are looking for a healthy, hearty little one, but we will let you know in 8 weeks just what we are having (:

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Drew and I recently have returned from Jamaica!!! I will post pictures once I figure out how to work this thing :)

So we flew out Friday morning and had the WHOLE day to spend by the pool and RELAX!! Little did we think, you can get incredibly sun burned in an hour under and umbrella and in the pool... woops. The resort was sooo nice!! There were few things that could have made it better, but hey it was only open for a few weeks prior, so we'll deal. We took an excursion on Saturday to Dunns River Fall and Dolphin Cove. Coolest thing ever!! If you ever go, you need to go there!! We got to interact and touch the dolphins which was soo cool. Drew and I directly got to interact with the dolphin, Misty, by throwing her ring and Drew caught it. Sunday and Monday we just laid around by the pool. It was nice! We met a really nice couple that we shared many laughs, memories, and dinners with (Drew, a few drinks). I got to make a kite with some locals by the pool, but chose not to fly it.. (: Still pretty cool. Tuesday we had to pack up and leave around 11; since the shops were closed on Monday we did our shopping at the airport. Oh well. But that's ok. We had a blast!!!! I will post some pictures when I understand what to do so I can share our adventure!! A few more days of spring break, and then back to the real world :(

That's all for now!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Figuring things out

So I really don't understand how to use this, but I'll learn. Just wanted to leave a little post. I had my fourth out of six class for grad school. I only have 8 more classes and I will have my masters!! AWESOME!

Drew and I have one more Friday before we are in Jamaica!! I am pretty excited to sit and relax and sunbathe for a few days. Kind of nervous about the flight, but once that is over, I will be good for 5 days until the flight home :) I cannot wait though, this is much needed!!!

I am going to learn how to use this and do better, sorry for the picture, don't know how to fix (:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18, 2010

My sister talked me into creating this blog. I am interested how often I keep it up. I do like to vent a lot, so maybe this will be good!


I have been completly exhausted for the past few days, and then have my school work on top of everything. I enjoy getting my masters and the information I am learning from it, however doing a full time job, 15 seven year olds for 8 hours is a J-O-B, job... and then typing papers, reading books, articles, etc... T-O-U-G-H! Oh well, it will pay off if the stupid state would appreicate teachers... we'll see! (:


This has been my first blog post! Pretty pumped to get it started and in touch with so many who are on it. Signing off for today!