Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Life

So I have been extremely slack. As you can tell 12 weeks has now turned to he's here!!!
I am going to try to fill in as many details as I can.. sooo here's the story.. sit back and grab a glass of milk with some cookies (:
I was due November 13, 2010, but was planning on being induced on the 11. I had a certain doctor I wanted to deliver Preston, and that was when she would be at the hospital. So that was a deal for me. I went for my 38 week appointment on October 28, 2010 and everything was fine and good to go. I was 2 cm dilated and like 70% effaced. I still had two weeks and was just ecstatic for them to come and go.

Friday, the next day, I was bleeding some, so obviously was a little concerned. I called the doctor to see if I needed to come in and get checked, well NO call back. I told Drew that day, I would not call the doctor if I was in labor at the house, we would just go since they don't seem to call back anyhow. Well that Friday Drew and I went out with our friends here in Rock Hill to a nice dinner at Maggiono's. On the way home I had some strong pains, but thought nothing of it. I was at school late, doing a lot of this and that so I just figured that it was just because I was doing too much. I had talked to my friend and mentor (: Nicole about the pains, and she kept telling me they were contractions but nah I didn't think so. Nicole was going to drive me to our Fall Festival at school the next day, but low and behold I woke up with those same drab pains. I called her to let her know what was going on, and possibly would be driving myself once I got a hold of a doctor. Like I said she is my mentor, so she knew I was in labor. I called the doctor like I was told; they are supposed to call you back... no return call. My pains were about 5 minutes apart...took a shower, tried to fold some clothes, walked around downstairs, yeah none of these things are working. Drew called the nurse line back 30 minutes later and told her we hadn't heard from the doctor and that my pains were getting stronger. At this point I looked at Drew and told him I didn't care we were leaving. The phone RINGS - but they were all upstairs and we missed the call... Drew called back and the nurse told us it was the doc, but he was in surgery. I made the decision we were heading to the hospital. Everything was pretty good, other than the pains and it brought the meanness out of me. I was good, except for when the pains would come and I would pound my fist on the door frame or counter top; Drew didn't like that too much, and told me to stop a few times. The last time he told me, I just told him to "shuuut up" (: That was fun (:

Let me interject... I wanted to have a natural birth... that was before all these pains.. :/
So we were on our way to the hospital. Drew called our families to let them know they may need to get ready to make a trip to Rock Hill. We got to the hospital and Drew made it to the counter before me and told the nurses that "We think my wife is in labor." "Where is she?"

Here I come waddling around the corner and threw my purse on the counter (I was having a contraction). "I am sorry, I am having a contraction I think."

The nurses looked at me and said "Yep, take her to trias 1" (that is the set up room). One nurse took me back and was pointing out where the bathroom was to change, I was already undressed at this point (when you are in that much pain, NOTHING matters but to get checked in). I laid on the bed and just prayed I would be checked and the pain would be gone in a few seconds...yeah well it was about 5 hours later that the pain would be gone.

The labor and delivery nurse Leah came in and asked questions and updated the computer with information. She checked me, I was now 4-5 cm dilated and 2-3 minutes apart in contractions!! She looked at Drew and said we are going to have a baby today! Drew called his and my parents to tell them to head to the hospital. One of the questions that Leah asked was if I was planning on having an epidural... through my whole pregnancy I did not want to have any drugs, but when all that pain hit, I was a BABY! (: So bring on the needle!

Once we were all set to go I went to my delivery room. The anesthesiologist would soon be in the room. I got to a point where I was comfortable and was doing good breathing, and the doc came in, but left quickly to tend to a patient he just came from because something was going on... another 10 minutes I had to wait to get some pain relief.
While we are waiting on him to come back, when we got to my delivery room I had one request...MY doctor. On Thursday Drew had asked what happens if the baby comes before the 11, is there any way we can still have you as our doctor who delivers him... the only way would be if she worked in Rock Hill or it was a weekend and no home football game!! So we got settled and Drew asked the Nurse to call Dr. Hilton... they looked at us crazy because Dr. Taylor was on call and there.. Drew assured them that she would expect the phone call. Sure enough, she would be soon on her way also!! (:

Well now the doctor is back with the needle, and boy was I scared. Let me assure you ladies, they numb the spot first so I did not even feel the big needle go in!! Everything was set up and ready to go, Leah checked me again and I was fully dilated and ready to push when I was ready. This was around 12:00, noon. We arrived at the hospital at 8, got the epidural at 10, and was pushing at noon. Leah was great and was helping me out wonderfully. Dr. Hilton had arrived, but usually the nurse gets everything going until the Doctor needs to come in. Later I found out that I was not progressing while I was pushing so she went to get Dr. Hilton. While all this was going on, I started swelling pretty badly, I was already a little swollen before we started. I told Dr. Hilton at one point that I couldn't do it anymore.. I was tired and exhausted. She looked at Drew and told him there was still a good hour left. Since Preston's heart rate and vitals were amazing she said she would try the vacuum (she doesn't like to use it), but if there was not more progress we would have to go do a Cesarean (she knew I did NOT want this). BEST DOCTOR in the WORLD! In three pulls with that, and a short 45 min to and hour later....tada!!!

I won't lie, that was the HARDEST thing I have ever had to do. two hours later though our BEAUTIFUL baby boy was born! Preston arrived at 2:19 PM on October 30, 2010.

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